Getting your family back in the pool.

We are your neighbors.

Located here in Boynton Beach, we are family owned and operated. Family is important to us, and that means your family is important to us too! Our company is based on family values, that quality family time builds stronger families. We are committed to reflecting the core values of our company in our relationship with our clients.


Our values.

  • We will strive to provide service that supports building quality family time.

  • We will strive to always listen first.

  • We will listen to our clients’ specific needs and strive to meet them.

  • We will have integrity in our service, never looking to take shortcuts.

  • We will respect your home as our home.

  • We will respect your community as our community.

But we want to do so much more than that. We want to inspire you to get the family back in the pool…so fire up the grill, get your swimsuits on and get ready to have some fun! From time to time on our website and via email, we will have a family night challenge: Take a picture of your family having fun in the pool, send it to us and the winning photo will receive a prize! And with your permission, we might even post that picture on our website!

There are many great pool cleaning services out there, and we hope that you find that we are one of them! Call us for a free quote- we would love the opportunity to serve you!

Hours of operation:

  • Office:

  • Monday-Friday: 9 am to 6 pm

  • Saturdays: 9 am to 1 pm

  • Sundays: Closed